Registered Member Application Form
*Please take time to read the information below before completing the Registered Member Application form*
Registered Membership is for those Members who actively practice as Building Surveyors in New Zealand and have satisfied the Institute that they meet the criteria for Registered Membership by completing the assessment of professional competence process.
Upon achieving pass marks in all training modules (a pass mark of 70% or more must have been achieved in the core modules tests) and completion of the work diary and mentor reporting, the applicant will be entitled to apply to attend the Final Interview.
The interview will assess the building surveying core work roles that the candidate has undertaken to evaluate readiness for being granted Registered Membership.
Transitional Members will be asked to provide the following material to support their application for Final Interview assessment:
- A current curriculum vitae
- Copies of their Mentor’s reports (transitional members that are sole practitioners) or;
- Where you are supported in an organisation by 2 or more Registered Building Surveyors, please submit a letter of approval and the Core Role Achievement Record
- Copies of the CPD work diary
- Copy of two typical technical reports that represents the kind of work that the applicant is engaged in
- RICS online examination completion certificate
- Produce a PowerPoint type presentation of up to 10 minutes on the processes they followed to complete the report provided, or a subsequent project they were involved with.
- The presentation should define the learning outcomes achieved from the project including issues that arose and items the Transitional member would handle differently if faced with the same issue in the future.
- Please send this presentation through to NZIBS, after you have been invited in for an interview.
The Final Interview will be held on a face-to-face basis and may cover any aspect of Building Surveying including information contained in the documentation provided by the Transitional member.
It will generally take the following form:
- Introductions (5 mins.)
- Summary by applicant of relevant work experience gained over the period as a Transitional member (10 mins.)
- Power Point type presentation (10 mins)
- Panel questions (35 mins).
Transitional members shall be formally advised in writing of the result of this Final Interview within seven (7) working days and, if successful, they shall be granted Registered Membership.
They will be issued with a first year practicing certificate, and will be listed as a Registered Member on the NZIBS website upon payment of fees.
Those who are not offered Registered Membership following the Final Interview will receive a written explanation as to why they were not successful and be provided with the recommendations of the interview panel.
This may include the need for further study and/or work experience in specific areas of building surveying and the minimum time before any later application by the Transitional member for a further Final Interview.
At all times, Registered Members are required to comply with all NZIBS Rules and Regulations and any other requirements stipulated by the Executive and to undertake their professional work as a Registered Building Surveyor to high ethical standards.
Annual membership fees, along with any levies or charges as set by the Executive must be paid in accordance with the terms and conditions set from time to time by the Executive.
All Registered Members must practice in New Zealand and meet the requirements of Regulation 4 - Annual Membership Programme.
Registered Members leaving New Zealand for a period can “as of right” retain their full membership status subject to the following conditions:
- If the absence from New Zealand is anticipated to extend beyond three (3) months, the Executive Assistant must be notified of the absence prior to the Registered Member leaving the country. An indication of the likely duration must be advised to the Executive Assistant at that time.
- The Executive Assistant is to be provided with a reliable method of contact (e.g. mobile phone, postal or e-mail address); such information to be kept up to date, as appropriate.
- A Registered Member wishing to retain membership must maintain fully paid up membership fees at all times. It is the Registered Member’s responsibility to arrange with the Executive Assistant all matters relating to ongoing contact.
When returning to New Zealand, after an extended absence, the Registered Member shall advise the Executive Assistant of their return, which will be advised to the Executive. If absent for greater than fifteen (15) months, the Registered Member will be required to:
- Demonstrate having maintained Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activity, meeting the NZIBS requirements to the satisfaction of the Executive, and/or,
- Meet some additional CPD activity as required by the Executive.
This would typically relate to legislation and industry developments. A programme for the completion of this would be agreed at the time with the Executive. During the Registered member’s absence from New Zealand, the Registered Member will not be required to submit continuing professional development (CPD) returns but may choose to do so if actively working as a building surveyor during the majority of the period of absence. In such a case, an annual CPD return may be submitted in support of maintaining full membership. The manner of such return can be provided in the normal process, along with the annual membership fee. (Refer Regulation 4 Work Verification Programme).
It is recognised that experience gained working as a building surveyor in another country could contribute to CPD requirements, and the Executive may accept a wider scope of activities as contributing to CPD. The Executive may accept any application for dispensation for continuing
Registered Membership, where special circumstances may apply. Such dispensations shall be subject to annual review by the Executive.
The Registered Member shall be appropriately and adequately covered by Professional Indemnity Insurance, or be indemnified for the building surveying work they undertake.
Failure to satisfy these requirements for ongoing membership may be considered as grounds for expulsion of any Registered Member from the NZIBS.
Application Fee: $545 excl. GST (non-refundable)